College Life

I'm a 20 year-old Theatre major at Oneonta State. These are my crazy stories :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Deer X-ing

I was walking back to my dorm last night after watching a movie with some friends in another building. I had to walk around to the front door though because it was after 11 and the back door gets locked. So I'm just walking up the sidewalk of the well-lit main road through campus minding my own business when I hear hooves running at me. I look up to see a young deer barreling down the sidewalk toward me, then it swerves and almost runs into the cab driving down the street, so it swerves back and it passed about two feet away from me because by this point I had broken into a full-on sprint into my building. the nigh host at the door gave me a weird look when I came running into the building like someone was after me.
So that's my interesting story. I've got to go take a test on Sophocles in my Greek Dramatists class. Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Awesome Weekend

I had lots of fun this weekend. Friday we went to 7 after the show and a bunch of us watched the original production of "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street". It is one of my new favorite shows. So good! Sondheim musicals are just phenomenal.
Saturday I got up bright and early to do laundry before going to Crossgates. Sara, Amra, Amy, Amanda and I were going to be the pink ladies but we couldn't find the jackets. So now Sara, Amanda and I are Go-Go dancer, Amy is Dorothy, and Amra is a flapper. I was at the mall long enough to find my costume, then Mary, Ange, and Dave picked me up because the family was coming to Oneonta to see the show. We drove out here and I was given yet another reason to dislike old people. They think their age entitles them to everything. Sorry to burst your bubble gramps, but that is so not the case with me. Anyway, the four of us got to Oneonta and had to wait around for Mom, Sara, and Aunt Chris before we could go get dinner. So we took a short walk, then we all went to Brooks. Apparently Brooks is the place to be on a Saturday because I saw at least 5 or 6 people I knew, including Alex's parents. Poor Dave had to sit through a dinner with the six of us talking about the most inappropriate things lol. After dinner, they dropped me off then went to the mall to waste some time before the show.
Closing night was kind of disappointing, the audience didn't really get it so they didn't laugh which sucked the energy out of the show. It was ok though. Strike was ridiculously fast, I was so happy. We didn't have to strike the false proscenium, which would have taken a few hours by itself. We also didn't have to strike the lights. We were out before midnight.
Then was the cast party :-) Ah! So much fun! I only have a couple drinks so I was no where near as drunk as the rest of the people there. I think it's hilarious watching drunk people make fools of themselves. My friend Brian told the floor not to move when he got up for another drink. It was crowded at first, but once it started to thin out we had a lot of fun. Waiting for the bus back to campus was awful though! I was so cold! We finally got back around 3am and I just crashed.
I slept until about noon today, took a shower, and got lunch with Jess, Jen, and Melissa. Afterwards we went back to Jen's room and watched "The Little Mermaid" and played "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader". I'm about as smart as a 3rd grader lol. It was a good time. Tonight should be fun too. Beth is trying to get people to go see "The Nightmare before Christmas" at Crossgates, but I think Frank and I might go see "1408" instead. It's on campus and free, and being a poor college student, free is so much better. I've already seen both so it doesn't really matter, but I'd rather go see the (free) scary movie. :-) Maybe I'll do some homework too. We'll see. :-D

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Opening Night

"Accidental Death of an Anarchist" by Dario Fo, directed by John McCaslin Doyle opened tonight. It was by far the best it's even been! The actors had great energy and they were feeding off of the energy of the audience. I could hear Matt and Tracy laughing over everyone else the whole night. After the show we had our opening night reception and we all just hung out for a while; it was a good time.
I spent most of today in the costume shop, helping out with last minute builds and fixes. It was so much fun. I love working with Marjean. Alicia was down there with us today too and she is just great. There were other people in and out but we were down there all afternoon. I was there for about 5 hours, maybe a little longer. The only time I left was to run back to my room to get my blacks 5 minutes before my call. Once we were all set I realized it was almost 7pm and all I had eaten was a sugar cookie so I sneaked off to find a bagel. It was a fun day though. the three of us just joked around and had some pretty good conversations, and we got ice cream from Pie in the Sky (aka the best ice cream in the world). Sara and Amra delivered :-). Then we topped it off with a killer performance. I don't want to ruin the night with homework, so I think I'll just leave some of it for tomorrow morning ;-) Goodniiiiiiight

Monday, October 15, 2007

Great Start To A Long Week

Yesterday when I got back to campus after a day at the pumpkin patch, I was feeling great. A little bit of a cold but other than that I was healthy. I met with my group to finish our project, then went back to my room and got three-quarters of my homework done before going to dinner and rehearsal. Everything was normal, rehearsal went until about 11:30, then I came back and finished the rest of my homework. I was in bed no later than 2am.
At 6am I woke up in agonizing pain. I could not bend my knee at all without a sharp pain shooting through my knee. I couldn't see any bruises or other injuries. My bed is too far from he wall for me to have bumped against it. I started getting nauseas from the ridiculous amounts of pain, so I decided I had better find a way to get to a doctor. I called Tracy, who was fabulous enough to drive me to the ER at 6:30 in the morning and stay with me until 9:30.
We got there and registered, then sat in an empty waiting room for about an hour before I was wheeled into the back and given a bed. We waited around some more and the doctor finally came in and reaffirmed what I already knew. There was no outward sign of trauma, no swelling, and no fluid accumulation within my knee. So I went and got X-rayed (by a VERY good looking young guy, of course it's about 8am, I have my glasses on, nappy hair, haven't brushed my teeth, and my face is puffy from crying. I regretted not taking a few minutes to make myself look presentable lol) Anyway, the X-rays come back and there is nothing wrong with my knee according to them. So the doctor decided that there must be some kind of inflammation in my knee and I just need a brace. So now I'm gimping around with a knee immobilizer. It sucks. I only ended up missing one class today though. I was back on campus by 10 and in class at 11.
This wouldn't be so bad, except that my show opens on Wednesday. I have to go on-stage for it. So tonight I decided to test my knee and see if I could do my little bits without the brace. I was fine. I took the brace off before i went on and put it back on when I came off. I got yelled at by the Stage Manager, the director, the set designer, the lighting designer, the light board op, and probably a few others for doing this, but oh well I'm fine.
In other news, I want to kill this little bastard in our show. He is the most disrespectful little creep I have ever had to work with. He started off by being very bossy toward the stage manager Nora, the other ASM Michelle, and me. I don;t stand for that nonsense so Nora and I put a stop to that. He is still a Prima Donna even though he has about 7 lines in the entire show. Anyway, what really set me off is that he talked back to Marjean today. Marjean is the costume guru here at SUCO and she is pretty much to most fabulous person ever. No one dislikes Marjean. Well this little twit lost a piece of his costume and when Marjean asked him to go look for it he told her no because it wasn't his job. I was sitting right there and i wanted to punch him. He continued to refuse to do what she told him, then he told her he wasn't wearing a different pair of glasses just to see how they worked on-stage. Nora told him to apologize to Marjean, which he reluctantly did, but he followed it up by saying that he didn't like the way Marjean talked down to him. Maybe if he wasn't such an ignorant prick she would treat him with the same amount of respect she treats everyone else with. Our entire department is infuriated by all this. No one messes with Marjean. Once the show is over I have every intention of walking up to this kid and breaking his ugly face.
That's all :-)

Monday, October 08, 2007

Monday, Monday

So it's Monday, the busiest day of the week. Monday used to be my favorite day--my day off :-). Not when I'm at school. I have 3 classes, an e-board meeting, Mask & Hammer, and rehearsal. I go from 9am until almost 11 with only a couple hours to scrounge up some food and do whatever else needs to be done. I didn't feel like being treasurer today, so I decided that all my trips up to the SA can wait until tomorrow.
The student directed one acts were this weekend. They were pretty good. Not my favorite, but I enjoyed it I guess. We made a decent profit from ticket sales and concessions. Now we get to start planning for our Halloween events. Now that the One Acts are over my job as treasurer shouldn't be too bad. The department covers the faculty shows now so Mask & Hammer doesn't have to deal with all that.
I think I'm getting a sinus infection now though. Or something else. Or a sinus infection along with something else. I'm achy, my sinuses hurt, I've had a headache for the past two days, I can't breathe through my nose. I'm trying to stay drugged up for the next two weeks. When "Anarchist" ends I MIGHT have time to be sick. I can't promise anything, but I might fit it in :-P

That's about it for now. I'm off to my e-board meeting :-)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Just One of Those Days

I am totally exhausted. We aren't even half-way through the semester and already I am drained. I usually complain about having so many random breaks every month, but damn I could really use one right about now! We get a random Friday off at some point this month, but that's it until Thanksgiving. Not having my car really stinks. If I still had Arthur I'd probably be on my way home right now. You know that feeling when you just want to get away from your life for a while? Well that's where I'm at right now. I see the same people over and over; everyday it's the same thing. Yes, I know that's how life is, but I wouldn't mind the repetitiveness if it was something I actually wanted to be doing. The only thing that is motivating me to go to class and do my work is the thought of getting out of here. I've never failed a class before, but I honestly don't care anymore. I'm trying to well solely so I can graduate early, keep my GPA up so I can go to Yale in a few years, and just get on with real life. Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy my time in college and not rush it. I've been in college for over two yeas, I've gone to two different schools, I've had an internship, what else is there? Every year it's the same thing over and over. I go to class, I go to rehearsal, I bust my ass working on too many shows, I burn myself out by the end of the semester. It's a vicious cycle that will go on repeating until I graduate. The people are the same every year, the parties are the same, the drama is the same.
I know people don't take me seriously here (the students anyway) but I'm pretty sure my professors all know how determined I am to do this. I think they're actual fairly impressed that I'm getting out early when a lot of theatre majors stay for five years or more. I'm completing the major and a minor in two and a half years, why can't they do it in four?
Someone on the bridge today told me that I give off that ASM vibe. I was so insulted by that. I looked at him and asked how he figured that since I started out as a stage manager here. Apparently, since I am an ASM this semester, and I was an ASM this summer, I will forever be an ASM. PSHHT I DON'T THINK SO! Then again I'm pretty sure that most of the students here have no idea what it means to work your way up. They all expect to have their goals handed to them. I feel sorry for them.
Another thing, why do graduates insist on coming back? Once you graduate, that's it, move on, go live your life! One of the girls who graduated from here last year stayed over the summer "to save up some money." She moved back home--which is MUCH closer to NYC by the way--for about 3 weeks before moving back to Oneonta. I don't understand that at all. If you want to be an actress, Oneonta is not the place for you. This place has nothing to offer except two colleges. Once I'm out of here, I'm out of here. I may come back to see a couple of shows if I can, but only for a couple years, Why come back after all my friends have graduated? Well that's my rant. I'm just antsy to get out of college I guess.
I always thought I'd be afraid to graduate. When did I grow up? I don't remember having time for that. Real life was the scariest idea a few years ago. I think that's why I was going to be a teacher, I'd never actually have to leave the academic world. Now I see how completely wrong I was about that lol. Only a year and two months left of this nonsense.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Verdict

I met with my adviser yesterday afternoon and we've decided that I'll be graduating next December. I still have to complete 39 credit hours before I am eligible to graduate (we need 122 credits). We also talked a lot about possible internships for this summer, which I might be able to get credit for. I have a lot of options for that still so I'll talk more about that some other time. He encouraged me to go out and get some experience over the next few years and go to grad school when I'm ready. He told me that I should definitely apply to the stage management masters program at Yale. He said I have the ambition, I'll have no problem getting the experience they'll want me to have before they accept me, and I have the GPA. I'm a little skeptic but if Johnny Mac says I can do it, I'm going to at least try. He also said that the most successful SMs are Yale graduates and SMs in general. I'm really excited now :-).
I was asked to live off campus in the main theatre house next year, unfortunately I can't now because I'd have to sign a lease for the whole year. Although the lease is only for 4 people it is a 5 bedroom house so I might just do what Sam is doing this semester and live there without the landlord knowing. Actually that's what they've been doing for the past two years as far as I know. We'll see what happens.
Well that's the current update.
And yes, Mary I will be home for Christmas, I'm just not staying for the whole break if i can help it.

My show opens in 2 weeks (17-20) who's coming?