Alright, so it's been a few months, things have been pretty busy--fun but busy. The year ended with Into the Woods, I was so ready for it to be over. I won best ASM and blooper of the year (for Milky-White's death) at the Teddies. It wasn't a particularly fun weekend because of a bunch of ridiculous drama that happened with some people on e-board. Not to worry though because next year I'll be president and the trouble makers were not voted back in. I am the only returning member to the e-board in the fall, so we will have a very different dynamic, especially now that certain debbie-downers in the club have graduated. Don't get me wrong, I like all of them in one way or another, but it was time for the class to move on.
On to more fun things! I am at Glimmerglass Opera in Cooperstown this summer as a production administration intern. I am having a blast, I love my co-workers and I am not going to want to leave at the end of August. My job isn't the most exciting, we do a lot of really random jobs. We do budget tracking, purchasing, shopping, crew meals, and any other random thing that comes up. I am working on a facebook that has every person's name, picture, department, and job. I also work a lot with the safety coordinator doing inspections, stocking first aid kits, getting material safety data sheets, etc. Work is fun, but our nights and days off are just ridiculously fun! We go to The Breakfast House, which is a B&B with amazing home cooked food for almost no money at all. From there we usually go to the Canajoharie River to swim and tan and have picnics. It's such a beautiful area! We hiked up a mountain behind the Breakfast House and sat at the overlook for a while--such a fantastic view! We've also taken trips to Utica to see movies and go to dinner. Our adventures are only fun because of the people that go on them. JD, Chapel, Ashley, Francesca, and I make up the core of Team Adventure. It's not always all of us, but it's always some variation of that group. We hang out all the time at the residence where we're housed.
We also had a company BBQ for Memorial Day, and the lighting coordinator, Jeff, took me around the lake on his motorcycle, it was AMAZING! He's been coming to Glimmerglass for 15 years so he knows the area much better than I do. Yesterday, he had to return the rental truck that brought the lighting equipment in, so he needed someone to drive another car to Oneonta with him so he'd have a ride back. Chapel and Jenn really didn't want to go, so I volunteered. I really didn't mind, even though we weren't leaving until after dinner. We didn't actually leave until 7:30, but it was a fun trip because we grabbed the radios that we all use on campus so we could talk. Neither of us knew the route that GoogleMaps gave us, eventually I knew where I was, but it was a fun adventure. On the way back Jeff bought me ice cream as a thank you and we had a really awesome conversation. I'm really glad I volunteered now because he is a really great guy.
Today we once again went to the Breakfast House, but it started to rain so we didn't go to the river, but instead chased the storm. It was me JD and Francesca, and we kept getting out of the truck to play in the rain, then we'd get back in and follow the storm. We ended up getting really lost and going off-roading. It was fun until we discovered the rock jammed into one of the tires. So we put on the spare, pulled out the GPS, and found our way home. Then I napped for two hours lol. Now a few of us are just hanging around in the common room having a chill night.
That's about it for now. I'll try to update more often haha
This rock ruined the day.

The sunken forest we came upon.

Riding around the lake with Jeff

Playing on a slide with Ashley

Our river.

Team Adventure-Ashley, JD, Chapel, Me

More Team Adventure-JD, me, Francesca, Ashley