Saturday night was the Mask & Hammer halloween party. It was pretty fun. There were a lot of randoms there when we first got to the house, but eventually they cleared out and it was all the theatre kids. Because there were so many people there it made the party kind of boring but it picked up after they left. There was flip-cup and beer pong and I think at least one round off buzz and card games and such. Around 2:30 I started to fall asleep in a chair (everyone had pretty much left at that point) so we decided to leave. All I remember about the drive back to campus was singing Wicked at the top of my lungs in a car full of people (Don't worry, we had a DD). Then I decided I was no longer tired so I made some food, but since I had to forks I felt the need to make it next door and steal their utensils. I managed to misplace my sandals, trip over everything, and pass out on the futon 10 minutes after eating. I could barely even make my own pasta, I had to have Pam stir it for me because I could barely function. It was a complete shit-show, I've never laughed so much at myself!!
Monday was the Mask & Hammer meeting, we all dressed up and once business was taken care of we had fun. We played a game where you eat a donut offa string without using your hands (I almost choked), bobbed for apples (and other various fruit), and a couple other random theatre games. Troy won the costume contest as Edward Scissorhands. Everywhere we went his costume was a hit! Troy did the make-up. Pam helped make the hands, and I had the fun job of getting the wig to look right. When he bought it, the wig was as long as my hair and looked like a cheap 80s rock star. The three of us are amazing together, I don't know what I'll do when Pam doesn't live with me next semester!!
Last night Troy and I went to a party hosted by Pam's sorority. Again, it was over crowded and slighty boring. There were a few fun parts but mostly I just wanted to go home. Finally Pam was ready to go so I drove us back (I was DD) and we ordered Dominos and watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre next door. By "we" I mean Troy and I because Pam and her friend passed out five minutes into the movie. Then his other suitemates came back, one of whom was COMPLETELY trashed and ended up passing out in my roommates bed. It took three of the boys to get him to his own bed.
That's basically it. Nothing very interesting to read but it was a good time for me. I don't have many pictures but here are a few:
Saturday night

Tuesday night w/ Pammy J

The Three Amigos <33