College Life

I'm a 20 year-old Theatre major at Oneonta State. These are my crazy stories :-)

Monday, September 11, 2006

So Long, Sweet Summer

In about 7 or 8 hours Jay will be on a plane on his way to Missouri for the next 21 weeks. It was probably one of the most difficult goodbyes I've ever had to say. He's become more than a friend and more than a brother to me. We had an amazing connection that no one seems to understand and I don't really care. He's one of the best friends I've ever known and I'm so proud of him. When I met him this summer he was near rock bottom but he managed to pull himself up and now he's fulfilling one of his biggest dreams. I'm so excited for him, I know he's going to do really well and he's going to love being an MP. I try to stay positive and think about being happy for him but it gets hard at times and I miss him already. I'm so greatful to the friends that I have for helping me with this, Dan and RA Josh especially. Dan is experienceing the same thing and Josh, well he's just an awesome person and an amazing friend.

In a completely unrelated subject...I'm considering a completely different career path. After talking to Jay's dad the other night I am seriously thinking about going to the police academy and becoming a police officer. I would definately finish school so in case I decide agaist it or if I don't make it through I'll have a degree to fall back on. I just don't think that teaching is for me anymore. I still have 3 years though, so who knows what will happen in that time.

I'd be a badass cop though ;-)