Special Request
Ok Mar, here you go.
The cast party was absolutely AWESOME! Lots of drunken fools doing ridiculous things. At the Mask & Hammer meeting today we all told our funny stories. 99.9% of them involved the president hitting things. He hit Phace in the face with a beer can, he pretended to be the hulk and ran into Diana's moving car, he jumped on Kyle, he ran down the stairs and Ben started screaming that he was the ball from Indiana Jones, he punched Jake in the face (All in good fun of course). Oh he also flooded the kitchen in an effort to warm Ben up!! haha It was funny. George tried to convince me that he had a British accent, so I started talking in an accent too (keep in mind I have a terrible accent when I'm sober). There were a whole bunch of crazy things said and done, it was so much fun!
It's been a while since I've posted any pictures, so here are a few I stole from my friend Melissa. We took LOTS of pictures, it was great! A quote from the president would go well right here so here it is: "Does anyone else wake up in the morning an dread going on facebook to see the pictures from the night before? I check my e-mail and it says so-an-so has tagged you in X amount of pictures (makes terrified face). Then you pray that you're the first person to wake up so you can untag them."
Me & Kyle

Margaritas from the gas pump

Group shot.

Troy & me

Adam & me

Matt Devon & me ...I have no clue what was going on here.

Me Kyle & Veronica

Me & my freshie Melissa <3

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