Academic Update
I was up until 4am this morning reading for English and writing a 3 page interpretive paper on that reading, reading for sociology, and working on the Sociology writing assignment. I was hoping to have it all done at around midnight, but Raisa came in and we started talking for almost three hours. It was good to tlak and whatnot, but I really wanted to finish my paper and go to bed, but at the same time I really needed to just talk to someone about everything that's going on in my life. I may complain about some of the stuff she does but we get along really well and I have no problem telling her a lot of things. I'm not as comfortable with her as I am with Char, but we've gone through a lot of the same things so we can relate. ANYWAY....I finally finished all of my homework and went to bed around 4, only to get up for class at 8.
In theatre this morning the director of The Rocky Horror Show came in and we had a discussion about the show since it opens here this week . I couldn't believe that Rick, the kid who sits next to me, had never even heard of the show or the movie before this class!!! I just stared at him dumbfounded. I was also the only one in the class that knew the Time Warp, and was asked to demonstrate for the class lol. It was fun and lightened the mood of the day, which I had expected to be a day from Hell.
In philosophy I did absolutely nothing, as usual. My notes for this class are amazing, I'll post a pic of them below.
In sociology I got the grade back for my test and was pleasantly surprised! Out of the 60 (give or take a few) people in the class only 6 scored above a 40, and I was one of them woohoo! I got a 41/50 (highest grade was a 46) and on the distribution for this test it equates to an A-, so I'm getting better on these tests. I think we only have one more 50 question test and that is the final exam. We do have a couple more 25 question quizzes and God only knows how many more pop quizzes left. This girl I sit near, Lauren, has gotten the highest score on two previous tests/quizzes, this time she didn't and she only scored one point higher than me, so that made me feel good :-D. (lol I'm competative when it comes to my grades)
English was..well, English. Bob was late as usual and half the class wasn't there so he dismissed us early so we could all read the rest of the story he assigned, too bad I already read it.
After class I bought a ticket to the Rocky Horror preview tomorrow night, I already have a ticket for the midnight showing on the 11th, but I didn't want to wait that long to see it after hearing so much about it today, and since the previews are only $3 for students I figured hey, why not?
I also finished my priliminary schedule for next semester. We can't register until wednesday and I have to talk to my advisor at some point, but I'm thinking about taking 6 classes next semester, but I'm not positive about it. Right now I want to take English 102, Acting I, History 107, Psychology 101, Photography, and possibly Astronomy. I was told last semester that I have a science exemption but it doesn't show up on my transcript, so that's what I need to ask my advisor about. All I know is that I have a math and language exemption :-D
Guess that's it for now...
See how much I accomplish in philosophy? These are my notes for the past month, yet I still have an A in the how the actual notes digress to writing absolutely nothing lol)

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