M!dn!ght M@dness!!
Friday night was Midnight Madness, which is Mask & Hammer's version of talent show/SNL. It was hilarious!!! Pam and Jeanette (suitemate & roomie) came along with me and got the full Mask & Hammer experience :-) Nudity and all lol.
The hosts weren't quite ready for us to come in yet so we had a pre-show party out in the lounge. 3/4 of the people who showed up were in various states of inebriation, good times. Pam and Jeanette were a little camera shy...or just overwhelmed. Possibly both.

Kyle probably had the highest BAC of anyone at the show. He's hilarious when he's drunk. I have no idea why the angle of this pisture is so extreme, but it was fun anyway.

She was innocent before she met me. We were drinking the night after she had her second blood transfusion in two months. I'm a terrible influence :-P

When we finally got into the Hamblin and the show began, the laughter never stopped. The first skit was a spoof on "Wait Until Dark". The little girl in the real show takes a doll that unbeknownst to her, contains a large amount of heroin. In this skit, Teddy (a freaking GIANT) plays the little girl who knows exactly what to do with the needle she finds inside her doll. After strapping a belt onto "her" arm and slapping at it to find a vein and shooting up, the trip that "she" experienced...well keep reading...

The candyman song from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory faded in, as did Kyle with his umbrella...and his man thong. I realize it looks like he is completely naked from the waist down, but I assure you his junk was covered. He pranced about the theatre as Teddy looked about, dazed and confused. It was pretty much amazing and one of the favorites of the night. (Kyle is a dancer and is required to have the thong for ballet, he doesn't just have it for the sake of having it, nor does he wear it on a regular basis.)

President of Mask & Hammer, Sam (right) and Box office whore, George (left) play a nice game of Go Fish...or not so nice. Every time one of them said "go fish" the lights would go out and well...I'll leave the noises in the dark to your imagination. Let's just say when the lights came up they were a little dishevled and the Purple Double Dong made an appearance. (The PDD was a gag gift to Matt on his birthday and made several special appearances in Midnight Madness) This scene ended in the entire deck being comprised of Jokers, another M&H inside joke. A bunch of the guys carry Joker cards with them, at any time if a player calls "Joker" on another player they have to show their card. If, for some reason the player doesn't have his card, he has to drop his pants wherever he is. It's hilarious.

In this skit, Kerri (up) and George (down) opened in what we thought was a military scene. They were on their stomachs and were screaming obscenities because Kerri sad she couldn't go on. Suddenly Susan (center) enters and yells at the "kids" who are supposed to be sleeping. At one point she asked them if they were really sleeping and both nodded. It was funny. I realize that writing about it does it no justice, but trust me, this was another good one.

This skit was a spoof on "Twelfth Night". I was laughing too hard at the fact that George was in a dress and wig to catch it all, and it would take to long to explain everything. Everyone ended up dying though, which is the exact opposite of Twelfth Night in which everyone lives happily ever after. I believe this one was called "Thirteenth Night" and was the equivalent of "Friday the Thirteenth"

The current campus issue is the fact that they are draining our pond to fix the fountain, but in doing so they are killing all of the gold fish that live there, along with the other wildlife. This has upset most of the student body. In this skit Susan goes fishing at the pond and catches the magical goldfish who will grant her one wish...if she can beat the fish at a tissue eating contest (I have no idea, Kerri and Susan are ridiculous). Susan wins, and rather than using her wish to save the fishes or some other worth-while wish, she decides that she wants a blue scarf, which the magic fish uses to kill her for no apparent reason. It was interesting...

The final skit was basically all of the hosts making fun of the theatre faculty. Each of them has a certain trait that we all make fun of. The technical director tends to walk around with his arms like a T-Rex, the scenic designer always wears flannel, one of the acting teachers is in love with Shakespeare, the voice teacher loves to talk about how she played Christine in Phantom of the Opera for seven years...in Germany. All of this, and more was touched on and the crowd loved it! The premise was how all of the faculty met when they were still in school and very awkward.

After a small fight broke out about how "Scott", the TD, got all the leads he finally decides to dedicate his life to the technical aspect of theatre. "Bagby", the sceneic designer, then gives "Scott" one of his flannels and all of the faculty gather around the Christmas tree and begin to sing, Charlie Brown Style. It was heart warming...in the most hilarious way possible.

I realize this may not be funny to those of you reading it, but trust me, it was a good time. I haven't laughed so much in...um...about a week. LoL.
As for the rest of my life, I'm starting to stress about the end of the semester projects and exams and such, I started another show this week (opens on Thursday), and I'm getting over a sinus infection, but yet my mood is still amazing! I'm really excited that the semester is almost over so I'll get a break, but i don't want to be away from Oneonta for a while month, I'll go crazy! I'm sure I'll be visiting every couple weeks though :-) I'm definately not working that much over break. I need to take it easy for a little while and let my mind and body have a rest. Speaking of rest, I have a 9am class so I should probably bet to sleep. Goodnight :-)
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