Last night was the Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood concert at Turning Stone Casino and oh man was it AMAZING!!! We had pretty good seats. We were on the floor in like the 14th row or something, so Troy was wrong about being 8th row, but hey they were still really good! Jake Owen opened, he was okay, he was kind of weird though. Carrie sang just about every song from her album, along with "Sweet Child of Mine", it was an okay rendition but it really wasn't all that great. She also came out and sang "Whiskey Lullaby" with Brad. Again, she was good, but her voice was just too strong for that song. Brad was absolutely amazing! There's really nothing more to say about him, he's just a great singer and he has an awesome stage presence! Troy, being the smart kid he is, brought his camera but realized he had no batteries in it when we got to the casino. Why we didn't just BUY batteries is still a mystery to me. I ended up taking a bunch of pictures with my phone instead. We were right on the aisle too so it was really easy to walk up to part of the stage and get some close ups. They probably would have come out better if I had a flash, but hey they're better than nothing. Enjoy.
Carrie on one of the bigs creens

Carrie...really bad lighting :-(

Up close and personal with Brad :-)

Brad on the big screen...such a cutie!!!

Brad and Carrie singing "Whiskey Lullaby

I really like this one <3

We gambled a little bit afterward. We got $10 free play for going to the concert. Mat and I both lost it all and Troy won about $12. By the time we got back to campus it was around 3am. I was sooo ridiculously tired!! It was nice sleeping in this morning though. My suitemate Pam and I got brunch and then went and stole Troy's car while he was at work and we went shopping. It was a really fun afternoon! We bought Troy fun keychains because he doesn't have any, so hopefully he'll like them. I've got about an hour before we pick him up then it's time to get dinner, get ready, and PARTAY it up at the Halloween Party!!! :-D Check back, there will definately be pictures up from it soon!
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