This weekend was so much fun! Phil picked Char and I up around 8 on friday night and we jammed to Mandy Moore and random 80's music for the hour drive to Rochester. We got there and Char and I decided we had made a huge mistake in not wearing sweatshirts...it was freezing. We threw our stuff in Phil's room and after a brief pre-game session we went over to this apartment on campus (it was so nice!!!) We stayed there for a couple hours and Phil was completely gone after two beers. I didn't drink a lot that night becasue I donn't like beer to begin with and they only had Keystone Light, which is the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. Char and I had a small buzz going by hte time we left. We were going to go to some other party, but when we got there some of the people we were with before told us not to bother because someone had gotten sick all over the place. So we just went back to Phil's room and went to sleep. I got a little disoriented when I woke up though, I had no idea where I was and I almost fell off of the bed, which would have really hurt because they're lofted to the height of a bunk bed...
We slept for most of the day on Saturday becasue neither Char nor I had gotten much sleep this week. We finally got up and got in the shower and went to get something to eat. RIT has ridiculously good food compared to hte crap they serve at Buff State lol. After eating we just hung out for a while and the Mike, Phil's roommate came down to say that one of their friends had challenged him to pound 4 beers in under 2 minutes. Naturally we wanted to see this, so we went up to watch...sure enough Mike got it in well under 2 minutes. Then Matt and Jeff (I think) mixed up thier version of Sex on hte Beach, which, even though it wasn't real Sex on the Beach, was pretty good. After stocking up a few backpacks we all set off to hte other side of the campus to go to another party. 12 kids carrying backpacks isn't suspicious at all! lol especially when one of them is running around in hte shadows and bushes pretending to be...I don't know what...lol.
It was a fun night, once again Phil was wasted, but he was hilarious! He doesn't party much and he's such a newb it's funny. The walk back was entertaining that night. Char decided to stay a little longer with Jeff and some other people so I went back with Phil and the rest of our group. At one point I saw some kind of animal run across the grass so I asked Phil if he thought it was a cat or something, well he wanted to find out so her went running across the lawn trying to catch it. When we got back to the dorm I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was so tired. We slept until about 3:30 today (Char and I) and then we finally got up to come back to school. We jammed to our awesome 80s mix in the car again. I'm still kind of tired...and I have a few things to finish for class tomorrow.
Here are some random pics from this weekend:
We played dress-up in Phil's clothes (yes everything you see belongs to him)

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