Everything was going really well today...then I found out that one of the people whom I absolutely cannot stand was using my computer when I wasn't here. I was logging into blackboard to check on some grades and assignments and whatnot, and I double clicked the e-mail box, so a history of every e-mail that has ever been entered into my computer showed up. I was curious as to why the list was so long because I don't usually let people touch my computer unless I'm sitting right there. So I saw an e-mail address, that was obviously a Buff State e-mail, and I didn't know who it was, so I used thefacebook to look it up. Sure enough it was this kid Max, who, until recently, was my friend Derek's roommate. Within the first week of school I knew this kid was no good. I have no idea when he was in my room because I certainly would never even let him in the door. So I asked my roommate when he was here and if he used my computer and she was like "Oh he was in here like the second week of school, but I don't know when he was on your computer." I'm not dumb, she knows he was on here. I don't let her use my computer anymore either (she doesn't have hers here yet).
Needless to say, my computer is locked with a password (it has been for about 3 weeks now) because of people like that. I guess people just don't think respecting other peoples' property is important anymore...

^ You'd be protective of it too! ^
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