And So It Begins...
I've been here for about 3 weeks now, and although I'm having alot of fun with my friends, the school part is taking its toll on me. This week I had 3 pop quizzes in one sociology class and we have a chapter test tomorrow. I did fairly well on the quizzes, but the professor is really nit-picky and ask questions on the smallest details possible. I've read the chapter 3 times, taken notes on it, and higlighted and everything and I am still really worried. He said the average score is going to be about 12/25.
That's not the only class I'm worried about. I have absolutely no idea what's going on in philosophy. I have a "short answer" assignment due tomorrow by midnight. These "short answers" are supposed to be 200-250 words each...and there are 3 of them. I have no idea what I'm reading in hte text, everything contradicts itself. This kid Tyresse who is in my class actually gets it and offered to help me with philosophy if I help him with English.
The rest of my classes are jokes. English has never been a problem for me, but the kids in my class are ridiculous. I honestly don't understand how they could have graduated high school with the way they write. We play this game called "Scram", basically the professor (Bob) gives us a sentence and we have to write it correctly, if we do so then he tells us to scram and we can leave. If it's wrong then he says sit and you have to keep trying. Yesterday the sentence was "It's too late now; they're in there with their friends." Two people got it on the first try. Me and Krug (who went to AP)
Criminal Justice is so easy...all we do is take notes. There is no point in reading teh chapter because of the excessive notes we take.
I won't even go into my theatre class...I pretty much hate it. I have not yet learned ANYTHING I dodn't already know. It's pathetic, but I guess it's a good thing that I don't have to pay attention and I can pass with an A.
The girls on my floor are amazing! (Most of them anyway lol) There are a bunch of us that call ourselves "The Perry Pimpettes" (we live in Perry Hall) We have fake names that we give when we go out and everything and just joke around alot. We get in trouble a lot too because one of the girls on the floor pretty much hates us. Her name is Kussy (pronounced Koosy), well we don't like her either. She tattles on us a lot, but it's not usually a problem because our female FYM likes us and is really cool and the guy FYM wants Kristin (or so we all think). I love Kristin, she is hilarious! She and Charlene are the girls I hang out with the most. Char lives in Porter (aka Porter Projects), but she is an honorary pimpette cuz she's awesome. My roommate is pretty cool, but I don't always get along with her. She has a habbit of not caring what you're doing and will be as loud as she wants. Like now, she came in and turned her music on really loud and then just walked out. She also likes to sleep a lot. She doesn't get up until about 2 or 3 pm, so I try to be quiet when she's sleeping. Well she doesn't like to be that considerate. She'll come in at about 2 am when I am sleeping and have a 9 am class and be as loud as she wants. She also likes to use my computer without asking and let her friends do the same, even when they have their own. I hate people using my computer so it's now locked with a password.
I guess that's it for now, well otehr than hte fact that I want to go home for a weekend soon, but mom won't let me. :-P

Courtney, Me, Kristin, Lisseth

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