Oh, Mexico
Oh, Mexico!
This time last year I was having the time of my life with the best group of friends I could ever hope to find. We spent a week in paradise together and I'll never forget any of it. There were 15 seniors, lots of parents, and assorted siblings. Our total head count was 35. The parents were great about letting us do our own thing, and the resort was so big we rarely ran into people from our group! Oh, and I must mention that I will never go on another vacation unless it is all-inclusive! Not paying for meals and drinks (alcohol included) was amazing! It's a good thing I wrote everything down, otherwise I would have forgotten a lot of this stuff. This post is based off of one I wrote the day we got back, so it's pretty accurate.
I was planning to blog the trip day by day the way Kari did for her honeymoon (loved that idea by the way), but I've been more concerned with school and getting better. So let's pretend I started this on the 16th.
We departed AP at 12:01 exactly, all wearing the "Mexico '05" t-shits we had made. The trip was kicked off by a champagne toast, which no one objected to since we all agreed that since we would be drinking in Mexico there was no sense in waiting until we left the country (or the town for that matter lol). Three hours and one McDonald's break later we arrived at the Newark International Airport. We were a few hours early, so while some members of our mob got more food others of us went to the departure gate, where I was selected for a random search lol. They made me take off my shoes and belt and waved the wand over me and THOUGHOULY went through my stuff. I didn't see the point in taking off my shoes though, I was wearing flip flops. After that fiasco, we sat down to wait for the rest of our group and decided it would be a good time to bust out our coloring books (mine was Disney Princesses). Once everyone showed up we became a massive tangle of people on the floor, which was actaully rather comfortable as I racall. We finally boarded and got a little sleep on the four hour flight. As we stepped off the plane into the blinding sunlight we all began to sweat immediately. Customs was a bitch, it took nearly an hour to get through and Noelle and I were ready to turn around and get back on the plane just for the air conditioning. Eventually we were done with that mess and our bus was waiting to take us to Paraiso del Mar!! Our Apple Vacations rep Aldo was a riot and we had a great time on the ride to the resort. By 2PM we were checked into our rooms and putting on bathing suits in the lobby bathroom! Our rooms weren't ready yet, so we left our bags with the bellboys and headed off for the pool and beach. I shared a room with Noelle and Emily and we managed to lose one of our keys within ten minutes. Tucking a plastic card into the side of your bathing suit isn't a good idea, especially when you go in the ocean with it. We had to have a maid let us into our room to get the other one and promptly had the other one replaced. Once that was taken care of we showered and dressed for dinner at one of the various buffets. We were so exhausted that we passed out right after dinner!
aaaaaaand here are a few pics!
Noelle & Josh..we were all being rather obnoxious

Alex & Arin being all "sexxay" n stuff

I was tired. The floor seemed like the best idea.

Our 'heap o' teens'.

Checking in to the resort, and so glad to be in Paradise by the Sea!!

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