College Life

I'm a 20 year-old Theatre major at Oneonta State. These are my crazy stories :-)

Friday, January 20, 2006

Lowered Expectations

I came back to Buffalo this semester in a really good mood which continued throughout the first few days. Everythingw as going great, I like all my classes, I met some cool new people, I have money on my meal card again. I should have expected it not to last. It was going too well for it to be any good. I'm not even here for a week yet and then life decides "let's screw Nikki over now". Yesterday started out just fine, I went to my two boring morning lectures and had a fun lunch with Char and Ashee before going to my acting class, which is absolutely amazing. We ended up going over our time by 25 minutes and no one cared, it was great. Then Ashlee and I went to the gym for a little while...then it all went downhill from there. Around 7-8ish Charlene told me to come over and chill in Porter with her and her roommate. So having nothing better to do I went over. Now let me just say that every time I go into Porter something goes terribly wrong. The first time was orientation when they put 3 of us in one room and when we learned exactly what we were getting into by coming to Buff State. Then there was the night that I hung out with Krug and some friends who were visiting from home, that was the night Charlene met the jerk who would screw her over completely. Had I not been there she never would have met him .Ok...back to hte story. I went over and we were just hanging out and then Roommate (we don't call Char's RM by her real name...she's just RM) decides "hey let's go get some drinks from upstairs, where the 21 year old who still lives in the underclassmen dorms sells alcohol to minors. So we run up there and I put in a few dollars and we bring a few beers back to Char's rom and everything is going just fine. Until all the randoms come wandering in throughout the night. So finally it's about midnight and we're all pretty out of it and I decide it's time for me to go back to my dorm and go to bed. I get up and start getting all my stuff and I go to pick up my cell phone from Char's desk, where it's been all night...and of course it's not there. So we turn the whole room upside down looking for it. It's not there. So we search hte entire 6th floor, it's not there. So then we went through all 9 floors asking every random person we saw if they'd seen a phone. After all this we still didn't find it, so the only logical conclusion we can draw is that one of the 800 randoms who were in Char's room must have taken it. Why someone would steal my shitty phone, I don't know. Sprint says they haven't used it and it goes straight to voicemail when we call it. Mom called and they turned it off, so now I have no phone and I never realized how dependent I am on my phone. On top of that I went to the bookstore to buy my books for this semester and I had everything I needed and I get up to the register only to find out that my book defferment "hasn't been approved". I went to get it on Tuesday, they told me I could use it by WHAT'S THE PROBLEM HERE?? I can't wait to leave this school for good. Once I leave I'm never coming back to Buffalo ever again. Even for Panos. I hate this school I hate this city, oh and life sucks right now too. Grrr...why is it nothing can ever go right in my life?
I'm just going to go to sleep for the next four months and wake up when the semester is over, so I can leave here and move in with Chels and Marshall and have the best summer ever and then go to a decent school in the fall and find some not so grimey people to hang out with...and actually enjoy life for a little bit. Oh and maybe by then my best friend will be talking to me again. But hey that might be asking a little too much, I mean life can only handle so much good at a time.